2017 Overall Pakman Award Winner
RTÉ was named the 2017 Pakman Award winner at the third annual Pakman Awards. The award ceremony, which took place at the InterContinental Dublin Hotel, saw 400 representatives from leading businesses, organisations and community groups come together to recognise excellence in recycling, energy and waste management. Leading the congratulations was Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Mr Denis Naughten.
This award was sponsored by:

Battery Champion
LauraLynn campaigned for people to recycle batteries, by showing them that in doing so they are helping the hospice. This has helped provide vital services to families, through donations from WEEE Ireland, and helped Ireland meet its battery recycling obligations. LauraLynn connects battery recycling to people’s hearts, giving rise to an engaging and motivating message that has people all around Ireland hunting for every waste battery! People cannot help but be touched by the vital care that LauraLynn provides to fragile children, powering the WEEE Ireland battery recycling campaign.
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Bring Centre of the Year
For the last 6 years, the site at Western Distributor Road, Galway City, has consistently been in the top 4 bring centres nationwide across the 25 local authority areas measured by Glassco Recycling in its annual National Bring Site Performance Surveys. In 2016, the site reached the number one position as the highest yielding bring site nationwide by weight collected. The performance of this site can be best attributed to the residential catchment area that it serves and the ease of access for both the site users and the collection vehicles servicing the site.
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Business Recycling Champion
Lidl Ireland continuously strives towards making its operations and surrounding communities, a better place in terms of Waste and Recycling. Lidl Ireland will always look at being Retail leaders through new initiatives and leading by example. It is by our Customers and Staff, that helps make Lidl Ireland become a success in the Excellence in Waste Management and Recycling.
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Community Recycling Project of the Year
Recycle IT is a friendly, needs driven recycler, recycling all types of waste electrical & electronic equipment. Collections are offered to homes, communities, educators & charities at no charge. Community engagement is achieved in many ways including building good relationships, offering door to door collections & providing people with real help in lifting and moving equipment. Recycle IT engage young & old, charities & business and encourage reduce, reuse & recycle with this message reinforced through flyers, community events, workshops, newsletters, regular blog posts & recognition.
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Environmental Education and Awareness Initiative of the Year
ReCreate is a thriving social enterprise making art materials and educational supplies affordable and accessible to every sector of the community for all kinds of creative purposes. This is achieved by salvaging clean, reusable materials from business and distributing them to members for free in unlimited quantities. The project is based on a concept known as Creative Reuse which encourages the public to reuse materials that would normally be sent to landfill or for recycling, for all manner of creative and inventive purposes.
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Food Waste Management
Sligo University Hospital wholeheartedly participated in collaborative, multi agency and multi disciplinary initiatives to drive and champion innovative thinking to reduce food waste. Changes such as reducing food distribution containers to match patient needs, auditing patient feedback, retrofitting bins for ease of handling and segregating food waste, recycling and awareness initiatives following collaboration with the Co. Council, authorised waste contractor/ other key stakeholders have significantly reduced food waste.
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Green Transport of the Year
The green journey taken by passenger transport company Matthews.ie has resulted in a 26% reduction in fuel usage, and a €50,000 annual saving in diesel costs.
It was the first passenger transport company in Ireland and the UK (and only the second in the world) to achieve the coveted ISO 50001 certificated energy management standard. Matthews.ie have trained their drivers in a more eco-friendly and less stressful driving style, with has seen them reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon dioxide emissions by 20% and cut their Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) from 0.054 ml to 0.035.
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Innovation In Waste Management
Waste Matters simply offers a polystyrene recycling service. Because of the bulky nature of this problematic material its innovative approach is to travel to the material and process on site. A 40 ft container load of polystyrene can be processed down to one single pallet allowing economic transport and turning this historically landfill destined material into a raw material for further use. Over the last year, tonnage has increased by 200% and employment has doubled within Waste Matters.
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Professional Services
RTÉ takes its commitments to sustainability very seriously, sustainability is enshrined in its environmental policy and action plan. Areas in which it continues to achieve environmental excellence include waste management, pollution, energy conservation, water usage and transport. RTÉ prides itself in setting the right example across all areas of the business to ensure they demonstrate best in class environmental practices as our national broadcaster.
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Waste Collector of the Year Commercial
Thorntons Recycling is one of Ireland’s leading Waste Management and Recycling Companies. The company continues to actively exceed customers’ needs through investment in technology, services and innovation.
In 2016 the company built upon its relationships with community-based organisations to support recycling & reuse activities highlighting the benefits and second uses of materials.
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Waste Collector of the Year Household
One of the largest waste management service provider in Irelands’ Mid-West; Clean Ireland Recycling has been servicing customers for over 25 years. The Company employs in excess of 100 employees, operating two waste transfer facilities and four customer service centres. Clean Ireland Recyclings’ success is built on a strong reputation for providing reliable, compliant and value for money services. The Company can boast being first in the sector to implement many innovations, leaving Clean Ireland Recycling standing a leader in its field.
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Waste Prevention Business Award
SMILE Resource Exchange is Ireland’s national industrial symbiosis programme providing a platform for businesses to connect and identify synergies where an unwanted resource or waste in one business can be utilised as a resource in another. Synergies are identified both online at www.smileexchange.ie and through facilitated technical expertise offered to businesses. Managed by Macroom E (a wholly owned subsidiary of Cork County Council), the programme is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, Local Enterprise Offices and the Waste Management Regions.
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Waste Recycling and Recovery Facility of the Year
Thorntons Recycling is one of Ireland’s leading Waste Management and Recycling Companies. The company accepts a wide range of materials at its Mixed Dry Recyclables (MDR) Facility from both household green bin collections and commercial clients. The investment, experience, expertise and higher quality recyclate of Thorntons Recycling has proven critical in driving continuous improvements to the MDR Recycling and Materials Recovery Facility.
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