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Repak launches the 5th Annual Pakman Awards

Today June 5th, is World Environment Day and across the globe, people are being called upon to demonstrate that they are committed to a sustainable environment. While the Irish public are being encouraged to make an individual effort, almost all (99%) feel that organisations across Ireland also have a responsibility to protect the environment for future generations. That’s according to the findings of a new research study by Repak*.

According to the Repak research, a whopping 96% of those polled would be more inclined to shop or engage with a company who had been rewarded for tackling climate change. This news comes as the 2019 Pakman Awards, powered by Repak, launches its search to find environmental champions who are shaping Ireland’s future.

Now in its fifth year, the Pakman Awards recognises excellence in sustainability, recycling and efforts to reduce climate change. Organisations, businesses, community groups and individuals in Ireland are all eligible to enter. Entering the 2019 Pakman Awards are free, and nominations will close at midnight on 31st August 2019. 

Getting down to business about the environment and climate change

With Dáil Eireann declaring a climate change and biodiversity emergency in recent weeks, perhaps it’s no surprise that reducing the effects of climate change is top of the agenda when it comes to what the public think are the responsibilities that companies in Ireland should have. Despite all (99%) feeling that all organisations have a responsibility to take measures to reduce climate change and over half (55%) knowing measures that some companies take, a third (33%) don’t know of any.

The Pakman Awards not only seeks to find but celebrate those who are championing a sustainable future in Ireland and educate others about their environmental excellence so that they too, can lead by example.

Five years of Pakman Awards

Over the past four years, the Pakman Awards have rewarded recycling excellence and innovation in waste management, shining a spotlight on leaders within Ireland’s environmental sector and this year sees the launch of two new categories:

The Innovation in Waste Resource Products or Services Award sponsored by Ibec. Those shortlisted in this category will be considered for entry into the 2020 European Business Awards for the Environment. Not only will the finalists be singled out for their outstanding contribution to environmental protection at a national level, but they could potentially represent Ireland at Europe’s premier celebration of sustainable businesses.

The Plastic Pledge Member of the Year Award sponsored by Repak. This category is open to any of Repak’s Members who have signed Repak’s Plastic Pledge on Packaging Waste, which launched in September 2018. Entrants will show a commitment to minimising avoidable use packaging and promoting packaging reuse where possible and a support to Ireland in delivering future plastic recycling targets of 55% by 2030, as set out by the European Commission.

Séamus Clancy, CEO of Repak, commented on the launch of the 2019 Pakman Awards:

“A Pakman Award is an excellent way for any business, organisation or community group to demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future for Ireland. From food waste to green transport, there is a category for everyone who is making a difference. The findings of our study show that 99% of consumers are willing make a conscious choice to only shop with companies who are contributing to protecting the environment, and a Pakman Award is a perfect opportunity to highlight those contributions”.

The 2019 Pakman Awards will be held on the 24th October 2019 at the InterContinental Hotel, Dublin and as of today, nominations are officially open. 
