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Enter The Tyre Champion Award

Estimated completion time: 2 min

The Tyre Champion Award celebrates businesses and organisations that creatively use tyres or recycled rubber from tyres, to produce innovative and eco-friendly products. Extra points will be awarded for products and actions that replace imports, boost exports, and create jobs. It also recognises those that design and manufacture tyres in an environmentally sustainable manner along with businesses that reduce waste by sourcing more durable tyres. The use of retreaded tyres, which require less input material, is also commended. This award also celebrates businesses that excel in actively engaging with the community and promoting sustainable practices.

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Pakman category

Please select the relevant award category from the below listing.

Company details

The information provided should relate to the registered name of the company or the group/individual name entering the category.

Address of company head office

The address provided should be the main premises/HQ address of organisation entering the above award category.

Name and role of main company contact

Please provide the main contact/business owner details entering the above award category.

Entry Summary

Please provide a summary of your entry relevant to the award category selected above. This summary may be used for media purposes and/or in the Awards presentation ceremony.

Entry Upload

Upload your entry in PDF or Word format. Please note the content in your entry submission must be no 4 x A4 in length.

Company Logo

Please upload a high resolution version of your company logo. Your logo may be used for the Awards presentation and for media purposes. Maximum file size 6MB.